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Computational Thinking

Computational thinking is a problem-solving process that includes (but is not limited to) the following characteristics: • formulating problems in a way that enables us to use a computer and other tools to help solve them; • logically organizing and analyzing data; • representing data through abstractions, such as models and simulations; • identifying, analyzing, and implementing possible solutions with the goal of achieving the most efficient and effective combination of steps and resources; and • generalizing and transferring this problem-solving process to a wide variety of problems. These skills are supported and enhanced by a number of dispositions or attitudes that are essential dimensions of computational thinking. These dispositions or attitudes include: • confidence in dealing with complexity; • persistence in working with difficult problems; • tolerance for ambiguity; • the ability to deal with open ended problems; and • the ability to communicate and work with oth
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CS Practices

CS Practices 1. Fostering an inclusive computing culture 2. Collaborating around computing 3. Recognizing and defining computational problems 4. Developing and using abstractions 5. Creating commutations artifacts 6. Testing and refining computational artifacts 7. Communicating about computing Crosswalk to ISTE Student Standards


from "Creative Coding: Lessons and Strategies to Integrate Computer Science Across the 6-8 Curriculum" by Josh Caldwell concepts and practices that should be taught in kindergarten through 12th grade (see the framework at

NGSS Standards

from "Creative Coding: Lessons and Strategies to Integrate Computer Science Across the 6-8 Curriculum" by Josh Caldwell Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) explicitly calls out both computational thinking and computer modeling as essential elements of a K–12 science education

Why integration?

from "Creative Coding: Lessons and Strategies to Integrate Computer Science Across the 6-8 Curriculum" by Josh Caldwell First, it provides an opportunity for students to experience computer science in schools where they otherwise wouldn’t be afforded the opportunity Second, it exposes students to the many contexts in which computer science can be applied in the real world.